Madness, depression, loneliness, hopelessness, misery, desolation… 1 year of excruciating pain.. How did this happen to me? Why did it happen? What was my reason? Is it because of love or idiocy? Am I to be judged for loving someone so much or judged for disregarding myself? Did I love him too much? Did he take advantage of my weakness or I tolerated his actions? Was I blind or just plain foolish? These are the questions that I keep on asking myself. I still couldn’t believe what happened to me. How stupid I was to fall for his trap. I was madly in love with him when he caught me, grabbed me by his hand, tied me at his feet and dragged me down. I felt so disgraced, like I have no reason to live, no place to go to, no other way but down on his knees, like a dog begging for attention, begging for love. Everyday was torture for me, everyday for 1 whole year. I still couldn’t believe it. How it happened? Why it happened……?